Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wyoming: Indian Paintbrush

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 Indian paintbrush is part of the figwort family, a perennial, having a cluster of stems that grow upward from the base, to 60 cm. tall. The Indian paintbrush shrub is a perennial but in some species, they are annuals.The leaves of the Indian paintbrush are long and narrow, pointed and without teeth.The upper leaves have 3 lobes and are hairy.

Wisconsin: Wood violet

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Wood violet flowers are Deep blue/purple or violet sometimes almost white with blue markings. Wood violet flowers have side petals having beards or tuffs near the center of the flower. There are 5 petals in which lower one is longer and spurred, and the 2 petals having fine hairs. The flower grows on its own stem. The Wood violet plant is smooth, having flowers and leaves on separate stalks.

West Virginia: Rhododendron

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Most people know rhododendrons as big leathery leafed shrubs with round clusters of white, pink, red, or purple blooms. Rhododendron grows in the form of bush or small tree. It can grow from 3.9 inches to 98 feet in height, depending on the variety. Some types of rhododendron have evergreen leaves, while others have deciduous leaves. Evergreen types usually have large, paddle-shaped leaves. Deciduous plants often have small, elliptical leaves. Bottom side of leaves of some species of rhododendron is covered with hairs or scales.

Washington: Coast Rhododendron

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The flowers of Coast Rhododendronare are pink to rose-purple, and are rarely white. Coast Rhododendron flowers are 1-1/2 cm long, with 5 wavy-margined petals united to form a broadly bell-shaped corolla. Coast Rhododendron has large, deep green, leathery leaves. Coast Rhododendron capsule or fruit is about 2 cm long.

Virginia: American dogwood

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The Dogwood flower bracts are 1-2 inches long and obovate in shape, usually with a cleft at the tip. There are clusters of bright red football shaped fruits, about a half inch long, following the Dogwood flowers and often remain until winter. Flowering occurs in late April and early May. American Dogwoods are the hard decidous flowering plants growing to 15 to 20 feet tall. American Dogwoods have oppositely arranged, oval shaped leaves which are 3-6 inches long and 2-3 inches wide

Vermont: Red Clover

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Red clover flower is small and 15-60 cm. in height. The Red clover flower is a dome-shaped flower cluster. The Red clover flowers are arranged at the terminal shoot. The flower heads are nested in 2-3 leaves. Each red clover flower head is between 1/2 -1 inch wide. Red clover flower has pink to red flower head, made up of many 100-125 or more small typical legume flowers. Red clover plant lives for only 1-3 years.

Utah: Sego lily

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The Sego lily grows up to 6-8 inches in height.The Sego lily looks like tulips, and their blooms are seen in many colors.The Sego lily is the single grass like blade in blue green in color. The Sego flowering plants grow in dry areas, in open pine forests and on hillsides between 5000 - 8000 feet in altitude. The sego plant gives out tulip-like flowers. Each sego flower has 3 petals ranging from white to lavender having a yellow base.

Texas: Bluebonnet sp.

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The mildly fragrant racemes on the Bluebonnet are in shades of lavender, 8-12 cm long, and each raceme contains 25-40 florets. Each blue bonnet flower floret is 1-2 cm long and has a 3-6 mm wide white banner spot in the center of the banner petal. This spot often turns to reddish purple with age, but the Bluebonnet florets sometimes shrivel before the color change takes place. The pedicel of the Bluebonnet flower has a length of 6-12 mm and the flower spike stem's diameter is 2-4 mm. The Texas Bluebonnet (Lupinus texensis) specie is the favorite of the Texans.

Tennessee: Iris

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Broadly speaking, all Iris plants have long stems and six-lobed flowers. Flowers have 3 petals sagging downwards (actually large sepals in the same colour as the flower), and three standing uprightFlowers subtended by a reduced foliaceous bract. Iris flowers are 3 inches wide and bearded.

South Dakota: Pasque flower

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Each flower is approximately 3 inches in open condition, consisting of 5-8 petal-like sepals, an elongated cluster of white to purple styles, and a ring of numerous yellow stamens. The petal color ranges from dark lavender to almost white. There are no petals. The sepals of pasque flower are pale purple to deep purple. The blooming period of pasque flower is during early to mid-spring and lasts for 2 weeks.

South Carolina: Yellow jessamine

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Yellow jessamine has been used by herbalists to treat eye ailments and as natural, perfumed hair oil.  All parts of the Yellow jessamine plant are extremely poisonous, especially to livestock, if eaten; however, the bright Yellow jessamine spring blossoms are a source of nectar for butterflies and deer often browse on the vegetation for food and fiber. The Yellow Jessamine fruit is an oblong capsule, about 1 inch long that splits apart to release flat, winged seeds. The capsules usually ripen from October to June.

    Rhode Island: Violet

    Some species are acaulescent, which means that they do not have stem. They develop leaves in the form of rosette directly from the ground. Other species have short stem with alternately arranged leaves. Flower is fragrant due to compounds known as terpenes and ionone. Scent of some violas is so strong that it desensitizes nose and prevents detection of other odors. Young leaves and flowers are edible. They can be used raw (as a part of salads), cooked (in the sauces and jellies) and for decoration of cakes and other desserts.

    Pennsylvania: Mountain Laurel

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     The mountain laurel flowers are borne on one-inch pedicels and produced in terminal clusters or corymbs four to six inches across. The ten stamens in each flower have anthers buried in individual pockets in the corolla completing the illusion of parasols with dainty ribs. The Mountain Laurel plant can grow to 30-feet in width and 10-feet in height. The Mountain laurel plant leaves yellow-green and alternate, with each leaf shiny and entire. The leaves are 3-12 cm long and 1-4 cm wide.


    Oklahoma: Oklahoma Rose

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    The rose has been around for about 35 million years and grows naturally throughout North America. Rose petals and rose hips are edible and have been used in medicines since ancient times. Rose hips (the fruit of the rose which forms at base of the flower) are a nutritional treasure chest - rich in vitamins (C, E, and K), pectin, beta-carotene, and bio-flavinoids.

    Oregon: Oregon Grape

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     The Oregon grape flowers are yellowish-green and bloom in large numbers forming a cluster. Oregon grape flowers appear in early spring. The calyx has 9 distinct sepals, which are colored like the petals in 2 rows, the outer of which consists of 3 sepal bracts. Oregon grape is an evergreen shrub growing to 2m by 1.5m.

    Tuesday, December 6, 2016

    Ohio: Scarlet Carnation

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    Scarlet Carnation flowers are 2-3 inches across with 5 petals, which are clawed and serrated. The colors of Scarlet Carnations vary from white to pink to purpleScarlet Carnation stamens occur in 1-2 whorls with equal petals or sometimes with twice the petals.

    North Dakota: Wild Prairie rose

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    Wild Prairie Rose flowers appear from May to August. The leaves on the Wild Prairie Rose plant are compound with 7 to 11 oval leaflets seldom over 1 inch 2.5 cm long, sharply serrated or toothed, smooth on both sides. Wild Prairie Rose seeds are often contained in oats, wheat, barley, rye, and sweet clover seed.

      North Carolina: Flowering dogwood

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      Dogwood can grow in the form of bush or small tree. It rarely exceeds height of 15 to 25 feet. Dogwood produces simple, green leaves with wavy edges. Leaves are usually oppositely arranged on the branches. Dogwood flowers are not "true" flowers. White petals are actually bracts, modified leaves that surround centrally positioned miniature yellowish-green flower heads. Each flower head consists of 20 to 30 individual flowers.

      New York: Rose

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      Size of rose depends on the species. Flower can reach from couple to 33 inches in diameter. Certain species can reach 23 feet in length. Color of the rose depends on the species. Roses can be found in different shades of white, yellow, pink, orange and red colors. Blue and black roses do not exist. Wild roses bloom once per year. They are pollinated by insects.

      New Mexico: Yucca flower

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       Yucca has succulent stem that can reach 1 to 3 feet in height and 4 to 6 feet in width. Yucca develops tough, pointed, sword-shaped leaves that grow in whrols. Leaves are green or bluish colored and covered with white, yellowish or creamy stripes and sharp spines on the tips. Native Americans used yucca in treatment of arthritis, painful joints, inflammation, skin injuries, sprains and to stop the bleeding. Yucca can survive up to 1.000 years in the wild.


      New Jersey: Violet

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       Common Meadow Violet leaves arise from the base of the plant. Petioles are upto +15cm long, hirsute, with single longitudinal grooves. Blades of lower the leaves are rounded at the apex, reniform, or ovate, crenate to serrate, and pubescent. There 5 petals on the flower that fade to pale yellow at the base, with dark venation near the base.


      New Hampshire: Purple Lilac

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      As its name suggests, Purple Lilac has light purple flowers occurring in clusters amid the dark-green heart-shaped leaves. The common Purple Lilac will grow to a mature height of 8-10 feet. Purple Lilac is most fragrant on a warm, sunny afternoon when the florets are fully open.

      Monday, December 5, 2016

      Nevada: Sagebrush

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      Sagebrush has coarse stem with numerous, upward-oriented branches. It can reach 3 to 6 feet in height (up to 12 feet in the wet areas).  Young sagebrush has smooth, silvery bark. Old plants can be recognized by rough, grey-colored bark, divided in longitudinal strips. Sagebrush has large taproot which can absorb water from a depth of 13 feet. Plant also forms several lateral roots that are located close to the surface of the ground, designed for absorption of rainfall.


      Nebraska: Goldenrod

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       Goldenrod is yellow, but sometimes has cream-colored or white rays. Goldenrod has few, about 10-17 tiny rays. The bracts are firm, green, and blunt. Goldenrod inflorescence is a 10 inches open spreading cluster with the heads mostly along one side. Goldenrod plant stems are leafy, but not hairy but may have whitish bloom.

      Wednesday, November 30, 2016

      Montana: Bitterroot

      The Bitterroot flowers are borne on short stems during the month of March. Bitterroot flowers are single on each stem, the stalk starting and jointed just above the bracts. The stalk readily separates at maturity, reaching a height of 1-3 cms. Sepals of the Bitterroot are mostly 6-9, oval and 10-25 mm long. Petals of the Bitterrootare are about 15, rather narrowly oblong-oblanceolate, 18-35 mm long, from deep to light pinkish-rose or sometimes nearly pure white. The stamens are 30-50, and the style branches are 4-8 in number.


      Missouri: Hawthorn

      Hawthorn can grow in the form of small tree or thorny shrub. It can reach 20 to 40 feet in height. Hawthorn has knotty, twisted trunk covered with grey or reddish brown, scaly bark. Twigs are slender and equipped with 1 to 5 inches long thorns. Hawthorn can survive up to 400 years in the wild.

      Mississippi: Magnolia

      Southern magnolias are known partly for their large size, typically growing to a height of up to 80 feet with a spread of up to 40 feet, but various cultivars give you choices. Throughout the spring and summer, the large flowers of the Southern magnolia tree open and release their strong, pleasant fragrance, reminiscent of lemons.

      Minnesota: Pink and White Lady Slippers

      Pink and White Lady's Slipper flowers are 1-2 (3), each subtended by a lanceolate green foliaceous bract 6-14 cm long by 3-7 cm wide. The white sepals include dorsal sepals that are ovate to obovate, and are 3-5 cm long and 2-3.5 cm wide. The lateral sepals are united, ovate, and 3-5 cm long and 1.5-3.5 cm wide.Pink and White Lady's Slipper's labellum is pouch-shaped, inflated, spherical (or nearly so), and 2.5-5.5 cm long. The labellum opens above with inrolled edges and is a white color suffused with deep rose to magenta, the veins often being white; rarely the whole being white or rose.

      Michigan: Apple Blossom

      The apple blossom is a typical angiosperm flower, with petals surrounding multiple pollen-producing structures called stamens, the male reproductive organs of the flower, which are crowned with sticky pollen-collecting stigma. Delicately colored blossoms are among the most distinctive features of the apple tree, and their springtime beauty has made them a treasured emblem of apple-producing areas. Photo:,d.amc&psig=AFQjCNGqWnJDZvhxJBrFMxQDygK2evALIA&ust=1480640015297306

      Maryland: Black-Eyed Susan

      Black-eyed Susan flowers are among the most cherished state flowers. They have colorful yellow-gold single petals that are often two to four inches across, and encircling their large black centers. The ligules of the Black-eyed Susan are about 1.5 inch long. The involucral bracts are sometimes very elongated, and have long, stiff hairs. Black-eyed Susans flowers are also called as Gloriosa Daisy, owing to their yellow, orange, and gold colors.


      Maine: White Pine Cone and Tassel

      Botanically, these are not considered flowers since gymnosperms do not have true flowers. The male strobili are oval, 8 to 10 mm long and occur mostly on the basal part of new shoots and mostly on older lateral branches in the lower crown. Trees may start to bear female flowers when 5 to 10 years old.


      Louisiana: Mangolia

      Magnolia is a large genus of about 210 flowering plant species in the subfamily Magnolioideae of the family Magnoliaceae. Magnolia flowers have a pleasant fragrance (musty smells to sweet tropical fruit smells) and appear throughout the spring and summer. Magnolia is a characteristically showy, fragrant flower that is white, pink, purple, green, or yellow. The Magnolia flowers are followed by showy red or pink fruits displaying red, orange, or pink seeds, each of which hangs from the fruit by a thread-like strand.

      Kentucky: Goldenrod

       Goldenrod is yellow, but sometimes has cream-colored or white rays. Goldenrod has few, about 10-17 tiny rays. The bracts are firm, green, and blunt. Groups of Goldenrod flowers are often clustered on the top edge of the branches near or at the top of the plant. The Goldenrod flower heads bloom in a broad pyramidal cluster, elongated or flattish clusters. Goldenrod is an erect, coarse-looking perennial herb that is usually about two or three feet tall.

      Kansas: Sunflower

      Sunflower is notable for turning to face the Sun, a behavior known as heliotropismSunflower seeds have lots of calcium and 11 other important minerals. They do have 50% fat, but it is mostly polyunsaturated linoleic acid. The outer flowers on the Sunflower are the ray florets and can be yellow, maroon, orange, or other colors.


      Iowa: Wild Prairie Rose

      Wild Prairie Rose flowers are about 2 inches broad and fragrant. The five petals on the Wild Prairie Rose vary from pink to white or rarely deep rose light and the flowers usually bloom in groups at ends of branches. The leaves on the Wild Prairie Rose plant are compound with 7 to 11 oval leaflets seldom over 1 inch 2.5 cm long, sharply serrated or toothed, smooth on both sides.

      Indiana: Peony

      Peonies are long-lived plants that produce white, pink, red, yellow and coral flowers. A peony's fragrance varies, but most peonies have a sweet, clean scent. Peony grows either as herbaceous plant or as semi-woody shrub (tree-like plant). It can reach 1.6 to 9.8 feet in height, depending on the species. Peony has compound leaves that consist of 2 to 9 leaflets. The peony leaves are green colored and alternately arranged on the stem.

      Illinois: Violet

      Violets are native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere and are also distributed in Hawaii, Australasia, and the Andes in South America. Violets typically have heart-shaped leaves, and asymmetrical flowersStrictly, Sweet violets, Bedding Violas and Pansies are all classified as "violas". African violets have fleshy downy leaves and produce throughout the summer, five-petaled flowers, usually with a distinct eye while true violets have large to small heart shaped leaves, sometimes smooth, sometimes with varying degrees of hairiness.

      Idaho: Syringa

      Mock orange flowers are white, 2-3 cm wide and smell like orange blossoms. Each Mock orange flower has four sepals, four petals, 1-4 cm in diameter. The plant is poisonous to cats. Mock orange flowers are commonly (but not in all species) sweetly scented.

      Tuesday, November 29, 2016

      Hawaii: Hawaiian Hibiscus

      Hawaiian hibiscus shrubs bear blooms almost every day, but the blossoms last only for a day even when on the bush. Hawaiian hibiscus shrub grows to a height of 3 to 15 feet tall with a diameter of 8 to 15 feet. Young Hawaiian hibiscus plants have smooth tan trunks; the trunks of older plants have a wrinkled appearance. The leaves on Hawaiian hibiscus have toothed edges, 3, 5, or 7 lobes, and are up to 6 inches long and equally wide.

      Georgia: Azalea

      Azaleas are either deciduous or evergreen, depending on the species, and generally like to grow under the shade of trees. Azaleas grow up to 2.5 meters (8.2 feet) tall, although some only grow to half that height. Azalea nectar and leaves are highly poisonous, and in the past, have been seen as a death threat if the flowers have been given in a black vase.

      Florida: Orange Blossom

      The Orange blossoms bloom in clusters of 1-6 during in spring and result in oranges the following autumn or winter. Orange blossoms are perfect, with 5 petals and sepals. Orange blossom are very fragrant.

      Delaware: Peach Blossom

      The Peach blossom is 2.5-3 cm in diameter, with five petals. Peach blossoms are light pink to carmine, to purplish in color. Peach trees grow 15-25 feet high.

      Monday, November 28, 2016

      Connecticut: Mountain Laurel

      The Pennsylvania state flower is an evergreen shrub that’s related to the rhododendron. It grows in openings of spruce-fir forests and generally reaches between 6-10 feet tall. Mountain Laurel flowers are star-shaped, ranging in color from red to pink to white, and occurring in clusters. And usually are up to 2.5cm wide.

      Friday, November 18, 2016

      Colorado: Rocky Mountain columbine

      There are 70 species of columbines in the world and about 1/3 are native to North America. The common name "columbine" comes from the Latin for "dove", due to the resemblance of the inverted flower to five doves clustered together. It is said that the Native Americans of this region used the Columbine as a herbal remedy. They would treat ailments from fever to heart tension and even poison ivy pain with Columbine-infused tea.

      California: California Poppy

      Golden Poppy blossoms are 2-3 inch cups of gold, bronze, scarlet, terra cotta, rose or white. The Golden Poppy flowers are 1-2 inches across, with four wide fan-shaped petals, and many stamens. Golden Poppy seed is also ground for flour.

      Arkansas: Apple blossom

      Apple blossoms bloom on small trees with a short trunk and several stout branches forming broad, open crown. The blossoms are usually 4 cm wide.

      Thursday, November 17, 2016

      Arizona: Saguaro cactus blossom

      The flower usually blooms near the tops and the arms of the Saguaro cactus. They are white in color and about 3 inches in diameter. Saguaro flowers bloom for less than 24 hours. They open at night and remain open through the next day. They only have that very short time to attract an animal to be pollinated.

      Alaska: Forget Me Not

      Forget me nots are very fragrant flowers that belong to Boraginaceae family. The flower is about 2 cm long can grow in altitudes up to 700-2800 m. Their normal climate is rocky mountainous areas, woods, humid fields. Forget-me-nots normally come in pink, white, and blue. The fragrant Forget me not flowers are hermaphrodite and are pollinated by bees, flies and Lepidoptera (Moths & Butterflies). 

      Wednesday, November 16, 2016

      Alabama: Camellia

      The camellia is a shrub that can grow to be 6 to 12 feet when it is fully mature. The shrub is native to China, Japan, and other parts of Asia. The flowers that bloom are usually white, red, pink or variegated, depending on the variety. They usually bloom around the springtime.