Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wyoming: Indian Paintbrush

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 Indian paintbrush is part of the figwort family, a perennial, having a cluster of stems that grow upward from the base, to 60 cm. tall. The Indian paintbrush shrub is a perennial but in some species, they are annuals.The leaves of the Indian paintbrush are long and narrow, pointed and without teeth.The upper leaves have 3 lobes and are hairy.

Wisconsin: Wood violet

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Wood violet flowers are Deep blue/purple or violet sometimes almost white with blue markings. Wood violet flowers have side petals having beards or tuffs near the center of the flower. There are 5 petals in which lower one is longer and spurred, and the 2 petals having fine hairs. The flower grows on its own stem. The Wood violet plant is smooth, having flowers and leaves on separate stalks.

West Virginia: Rhododendron

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Most people know rhododendrons as big leathery leafed shrubs with round clusters of white, pink, red, or purple blooms. Rhododendron grows in the form of bush or small tree. It can grow from 3.9 inches to 98 feet in height, depending on the variety. Some types of rhododendron have evergreen leaves, while others have deciduous leaves. Evergreen types usually have large, paddle-shaped leaves. Deciduous plants often have small, elliptical leaves. Bottom side of leaves of some species of rhododendron is covered with hairs or scales.

Washington: Coast Rhododendron

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The flowers of Coast Rhododendronare are pink to rose-purple, and are rarely white. Coast Rhododendron flowers are 1-1/2 cm long, with 5 wavy-margined petals united to form a broadly bell-shaped corolla. Coast Rhododendron has large, deep green, leathery leaves. Coast Rhododendron capsule or fruit is about 2 cm long.

Virginia: American dogwood

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The Dogwood flower bracts are 1-2 inches long and obovate in shape, usually with a cleft at the tip. There are clusters of bright red football shaped fruits, about a half inch long, following the Dogwood flowers and often remain until winter. Flowering occurs in late April and early May. American Dogwoods are the hard decidous flowering plants growing to 15 to 20 feet tall. American Dogwoods have oppositely arranged, oval shaped leaves which are 3-6 inches long and 2-3 inches wide

Vermont: Red Clover

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Red clover flower is small and 15-60 cm. in height. The Red clover flower is a dome-shaped flower cluster. The Red clover flowers are arranged at the terminal shoot. The flower heads are nested in 2-3 leaves. Each red clover flower head is between 1/2 -1 inch wide. Red clover flower has pink to red flower head, made up of many 100-125 or more small typical legume flowers. Red clover plant lives for only 1-3 years.

Utah: Sego lily

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The Sego lily grows up to 6-8 inches in height.The Sego lily looks like tulips, and their blooms are seen in many colors.The Sego lily is the single grass like blade in blue green in color. The Sego flowering plants grow in dry areas, in open pine forests and on hillsides between 5000 - 8000 feet in altitude. The sego plant gives out tulip-like flowers. Each sego flower has 3 petals ranging from white to lavender having a yellow base.